Saturday, October 9, 2010

Do You Miss Bush?

Nile Gardiner of the UK Telegraph has a short piece on the recent rise in popularity of former president George W. Bush. I was kind of shocked to be honest. Are people that fed up with Obama that we've become so nostalgic for Bush? Personally, I'm not in the camp that misses him. That's not to say that I don't respect him, which I do, or that I didn't think he was a good president, which I'm still on the fence over, but I think his time was over when he left office. It was time for fresh blood and while the new president doesn't seem to be fairing well at all that doesn't make me pine for the good old days.

The reason I'll always respect Bush goes all the way back to 9/11. As I've mentioned before I went to Rutgers, which is fairly close to NYC and so pretty much everyone at that school had a link to someone who was there. (I won't get into my own personal links here, it's a long story.) I feel that in the days and weeks after the tragedy Bush really did a great job in channeling the raw emotions of the public and helped bring the nation. It obviously wasn't bound to last but his actions at that time really helped a lot of people get through all of it, I know it helped me a lot.

So what do you think? Do you miss Bush at all? Would you rather he still be president over Obama? Or do you think people are being unfair and not giving the current president a chance?


  1. i dont know....Bush did make a lot of changes some for the good and some for the bad, i havent seen any major changes/decisions from Obama since he's been appointed to sit in that big white office of his. At the moment, he's more just trying to keep America's head above water

  2. Started wars, boosted our debt, lost our jobs, betrayed the civil rights of Americans, committed acts of treason and got away with it. He wasn't as bad as Reagan was, but he can still go eat a bag of dicks (and I mean that in the most respectful way possible).

  3. At least he wasn't a democrat. He was a pretty funny/likable guy, even though i disagreed with him.

  4. I don't miss bush at all lol.
