Monday, October 4, 2010

Will Blagojevich derail Rahm's chances?

So the Chicago-Tribune has an article out today regarding Rahm Emanuel's involvement in the Rod Balgojevich senate seat scandal. It makes some interesting notes about the fact that Rahm has been shown to have made several phone calls on behalf of Obama giving the president's input as to who Blago should pick to replace the presidents vacated senate seat. Big deal.

Frankly, I don't see this causing much of a stir for Emanuel. First off, the major part of the crime was done by Blago. Emanuel, nor the president, had any involvement in giving money or favors to the ex-governor and there is no real record of Emanuel having a large number of conversations about this. Merely he was acting as a messenger to the president. Was it a unethical for the president to give any input...probably. But that's not something Rahm can truly be blamed for. Also the Blago trial is over (pending appeal) and that the actual election is in February of next year and odd time for an election and most likely a fact that will let Rahm's campaign fly under the radar of media scrutiny. Also I think if the famous Chicago political machine can get behind Emanuel he'll have zero problems getting elected. They are good at doing that. So I would say Blago is a no issue at this point. At the moment only Rahm can beat Rahm.


  1. i don't believe blago will derail rahm's chances -- he doesn't have the power

  2. Indeed it seems Blago is a non issue at this point.

  3. agreed, very good post. cheers

  4. thank you for visting my blog!

  5. i freaking hate emanual, machine politics at its best, pathetic.

  6. Isn't it scary? Most of the leaders are products of machines that have been there for decades. I wait for the day they break and get over thrown.

  7. Very well written post, keep it up

  8. *sigh* politics, the most complicated subject

  9. I can't believe Blago is making news outside of Illinois, I guess he is pretty notorious though.

  10. Yeah Blago doesn't much of a problem at the moment.

  11. do you follow the news alot or did this just pop out at you?

  12. I need to look more into this Rahm guy.
