Saturday, October 2, 2010

Are we living in a police state?

The Libertarian Republican has an interesting post on government raids of protesters today. While he does make a very good point about anti-war protesters and the government raiding them because of suspected terrorism plots, I'm frankly not surprised that they do that. Given the fact that we live in a post 9/11 world and our nation's hyper-sensitivity to the subject AND that fact that groups like the weather underground have existed for a long time it's no surprise that the FBI would be extra cautious when it comes to these type of groups. Not to mention the fact that armed militias are on the rise in this country. (Yes the link is a little old but it's still happening)

Now do I believe that we truly live in a police state in the classical sense? No. Due to the inevitable rise of technology it has simply become easier for things to be traced and tracked. But the attitude of our government watching us and tracking us has been around since the beginning. The census for example is it simple way for us all to be tracked and that's stated explicitly in the constitution if I'm not mistaken. If you want a good example of a country marching towards a police state look at Britain. Day after day there are new rules and asinine laws that set up all in the name of safety.

We may be headed towards a police state but as of right now I think we're doing ok.


  1. As technology advances our privacy will gradually be reduced and then we will have nothing.

  2. We def. are in a police state, or going towards it unless we do something to stop it.

  3. There is a slow creep toward a total lack of privacy. People don't really notice.

  4. people just don't care. Google Sea Steading people are ready start living in their own city states in the ocean.

  5. As long as you have an individual target or a group of interconnected targets, it's relatively easy to follow ones steps, actions and doings. The CIA and the KGB had very efficient ways to track an idividual and affected groups before it was a popular topic (read right after WWII). If you have some suspicious things to say and you actually say it, write it or leave a trackable mark of it, you will be tracked until proven useless, no matter where you are. Uh.. I probably shouldn't have write that...

  6. I think it's moving in that direction...
